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Korean media: South Korea wants to put conditions on the "Chip4" in order to avoid Han becoming a testing ground for Sino US conflict.

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Update time : 2022-08-10 17:40:29
        According to the Global Times, whether to join the US-led "Chip4" has become the most tangled issue for South Korea. A number of South Korean media quoted an unnamed senior official as saying on the 8th that South Korea has expressed its willingness to the United States to participate in the preliminary consultations of the "Chip4". However, the South Korean foreign ministry immediately clarified that South Korea has not yet decided to join the alliance. South Korean President Yin Xiyue, who just went to work after taking a vacation, also said on the 8th that he would discuss whether to join the "Chip4" based on South Korea's national interests.
        In recent years, in order to contain China's development, the United States has continuously come up with various bills, and has drawn various small circles in the Asia-Pacific region. It is reported that U.S. President Biden will sign the "Chip and Science Act" on the 9th, and draw Japan, South Korea and Taiwan into a so-called "Chip4", in order to get China's neck in high-tech industries such as chips. The chip industry plays a pivotal role in the Korean economy, and China is the largest overseas market and one of the most important foreign investment destinations for the Korean chip industry. The Korean government and the industry are in a dilemma about whether to join the "Chip4". South Korean Foreign Minister Park Jin arrived in China on the 8th for a visit. It is widely believed that one of the tasks of his visit to China is related to the chip issue.
        According to South Korea's emphasis that "it has not yet been determined to join", but according to South Korea's "Daily Economy", the South Korean President's Office, the Ministry of Planning and Finance, the Ministry of Industry, Commerce and Energy and other government departments said that for the "Chip4" preparatory consultation meeting, the South Korean side An internal programme is being developed.
        However, a South Korean government official said: "The 'Chip Quartet Alliance' is an agreement for related parties to play a synergistic effect in the chip industry, not a technical security alliance to technically isolate China." Therefore, the South Korean side will propose at the meeting that the "Chip4" should be based on the premise of "respecting the one-China principle emphasized by China" and "not mentioning export restrictions to China". This move is also to prevent the United States from making South Korea's chip industry a testing ground for conflict under the banner of "strengthening the South Korea-US alliance."
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