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Neural morphology chip enables wearable devices to analyze health data in real time

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Update time : 2022-08-15 15:16:20
        Recently, researchers from the Pritzker School of molecular engineering at the University of Chicago in the United States have developed a flexible and stretchable computing chip, which processes information by imitating the human brain. The wearable neural morphology chip made of elastic semiconductors can realize real-time processing of a large amount of health information by artificial intelligence (AI).
        Researchers said that this work combines wearable technology with artificial intelligence and machine learning to create a powerful device that can directly analyze human health data. At present, people need to go to hospitals or clinics to understand their own health conditions. In the future, people's health can be continuously tracked through wearable electronic devices, and diseases can be detected even before symptoms appear.
        In fact, at present, neuromorphological chips are also considered to bring subversive changes to the entire computer and even the scientific and technological circles. Neuromorphic chip is a hardware electronic technology for designing very large scale integrated circuits (VLSI) based on the neural system architecture of life. It was first proposed by Carver Mead, the inventor of VLSI.
        In the experiment, Carver Mead found that the ion channel in the cell and the electronic triode have very similar voltage current relationship, so he proposed to build silicon neurons with analog circuits to simulate the pulse characteristics of biological neural structures, and tried to simulate the operation of the nervous system with chips, so as to improve the thinking ability and reaction ability of the computer in processing perceptual data. 
        In recent years, neuromorphology, neuromorphology calculation, neuromorphology technology and neuromorphology engineering have been derived from neuromorphology chips, including analog, digital or digital analog VLSI chip manufacturing and algorithm design, which imitate the brain's understanding, cognition and action ability to realize the functions of neural system perception, mechanical control and multi-sensor aggregation.
        The research direction of neural morphology chip is mainly divided into two categories: one is digital neural mimicry. By studying the operation mechanism of nerve, the simulation program of neurons is run on the digital chip and signals similar to nerve impulses are generated. The mimicry neuron model is used for data processing, such as visual cortex simulation and neural morphology calculation.
The other is analog neural mimicry, which directly converts the signal transmission mode of nerve cells to silicon-based conductors for circuit simulation by using the semiconductor characteristics of silicon. This analog neuron can truly achieve the same operation speed as the living body, but it is difficult to build. The most typical example is to implant a chip into the human brain for memory repair.
The appearance of neuromorphological chips at present may also be the inevitable when Moore's law is coming to an end, which is the adaptation of the chip industry to the current technological development. In the future, there will be more applications of neuromorphological chips to help people process more information.
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