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Foundry set off a price cut-throat war 12-inch mature process down by up to 20%

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Update time : 2023-07-12 14:44:24
        Semiconductor boom recovery is not as fast as expected, the supply chain revealed that the main mature process foundry to fill capacity utilization, the second quarter first launched the "volume for price" strategy is not effective, recently turned to set off a "price cut-throat war", 12-inch mature 12-inch mature process foundry price, large customers can be reduced by up to 20%, is the largest wave of price cuts after the epidemic; 8-inch mature process foundry market conditions are even worse, price cuts can not attract customers.
        China Taiwan foundry mature process manufacturers are mainly for UMC, force accumulation of electricity, etc.. For the big price cut to fill the capacity of the statement, UMC, Force Semiconductor have said, do not respond to market rumors.
        UMC stressed that the company is expected to hold a legal conference on July 26, when the latest outlook will be released. UMC said frankly at the previous meeting that the industry recovery was slower than expected, and the overall demand outlook for the 2nd quarter remained sluggish, and customers were expected to continue to adjust their inventories, making "this year a challenging one.
        UMC's average product price (ASP) in the first half of this year was relatively stiff, and the company had previously released a "flat" outlook for both the first quarter and the second quarter. Now that a new wave of cut-throat quotation war has started, the corporation is concerned about whether the average price of UMC's products can still be maintained without falling.
        Industry sources pointed out that the semiconductor market conditions have been adjusted for many hours, the mature process because more for the consumer sector, the impact is relatively large, although there is still industrial, automotive and other demand support, but it is still difficult to resist the overall market downturn impact, foundry mature process manufacturers to attract customers to invest in the film, the previous trick, including giving customers a special price, another way is to maintain the offer unchanged, such as the production of 100 pieces, the foundry only 80 pieces of money, which is equivalent to "disguised price reduction.
        However, due to the continued lack of significant recovery in market conditions, coupled with mainland China wafer foundry offer continues to dip, rumors that UMC, Force Semiconductor and other mature process foundries in Taiwan, China, due to pressure on capacity utilization, can only change the previous "volume for price" strategy, to "formal price reduction ". 
        The supply chain revealed that the mature process-based foundry, subject to the slow recovery of the economy, large customers have more flexibility in the bargaining space, the industry to give large customers to reduce the price of space in the range of 10% to 20%, 8-inch factory orders and weaker than the 12-inch factory.
        Supply chain analysis, the current price of mainland China foundry manufacturers compared with China Taiwan manufacturers, the price difference of more than two percent. Along with the global economy in general is not good, high inflation impact buying, in order to hold up capacity utilization and for more orders, foundry mature process market is set off a "price cut-throat war". 
        The supply chain believes that UMC and the force of the accumulation of electricity is facing sluggish demand, the Chinese mainland wafer foundry industry to reduce prices of the double attack, the bargaining space has become larger is "have to" choice and strategy, affecting the second half of the operation, its capacity utilization and the average price of the product trend has become the focus of external attention.

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