Industry News

Qualcomm is rumored to reduce the price of low-end 5G cell phone chips, the rate of reduction of about 10%-20%

Views : 10
Update time : 2023-08-15 13:42:36
        According to Taiwan's Economic Daily News reported that the cell phone market recovery is not as expected, the industry rumors, in order to stimulate customer willingness to pull goods and speed up the clearance of inventory, Qualcomm recently began a round of price cuts. Price reduction categories locked in low-end 5G cell phone chips, price cuts of about one to two percent, price cuts will continue to the fourth quarter.
        Industry analysis, Qualcomm's large-scale price cuts, highlighting the dilemma of low-end 5G cell phone market buying gas is weak.
       It is understood that the consumer electronics market last year from the fourth quarter began to downturn, downstream inventory level in the first half of this year began to significantly de-emphasize, and gradually return to normal, the market once expected, mainland China cell phone market in the second half of this year is expected to improve, and rumors of Qualcomm in the second quarter of the restoration of some investment in film momentum. 
        The report pointed out that this year's 618 e-commerce shopping festival did not improve the downturn in the consumer electronics market, resulting in Qualcomm inventory level climbed to nearly two seasons, low visibility in the order, the inventory is high, the supply chain before the news of Qualcomm price cuts. 
        The industry pointed out that Qualcomm has been in a leading position in the non-Apple high-end cell phone market, so this price cut focuses on the low-end areas, hoping to accelerate the digestion of inventory, in order to meet the new generation of Snapdragon series of cell phone chips launched one after another in mid- to late-October. 
        It is understood that high through the past will be in the old product pile up more than a year later, will begin to product price cuts, this time different from the past is, in less than half a year after the launch of the product began to cut prices, the main reason in addition to the new product will be introduced, another major reason is that the consumer market downturn at least will continue to the end of the year.
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